Lee Fu

April 20, 2023


In modern times, people often turn to specialized forms of recreation to cope with the psychological exhaustion accumulated from collective labor, rather than addressing the root causes of their stress.

By conducting a thorough analysis of human pleasure and health needs, we can identify the missing environmental factors in contemporary urban living and envision an ideal totem for holistic living. In this project, the aim is to provide at least six months of off-grid living in fully remote areas. Providing a life option that anyone can participate in. Not only promotes ecological sustainability but also benefits our physical and mental well-being.

This project is on the Canadian context, based on the Bombardier Bi-Level Cab Car which is used in Toronto as GO Train, and transformed into a mobile living space. It utilizes data from Alberta province to calculate energy demand and production. While complete off-grid living is an ideal state, it’s a known fact that humans cannot completely isolate themselves from group. Therefore, this project also takes on the form of a small-scale eco-village, aiming to create a friendly and sustainable community with different individuals. 




As a way of living, daily labor and participation in resource collection and consumption have significant meaning for humanity. The project does not take an anti-technology stance but rather tries to maximize the use of technology for environmental conservation. It provides self-sustaining energy production, including solar and wind power generation based on calculated data, and multiple backup energy sources to ensure the livelihood of individuals.

The decentralized lifestyle as a choice is reflected in the mobility feature of this project. “It is the movement as well as the sights going by that seems to make things happen in the mind and this is what makes walking ambiguous and endlessly fertile: it is both mean and end, travel and destination”(Adams). 

Alberta- Rocky Mountains

-Climate: mostly humid continental

-Freshwater: Most of the province has plenty of fresh water although in some parts of the southern regions the yearly average rainfall is fairly low.

-Crops: The most common crops are canola, wheat, and barley. Several types of fruits and vegetables also can grow although a greenhouse might be needed.

-Solar power: Alberta gets the most amount of sunshine in the entire country so generating power with solar panels is fairly easy.


As the main living unit, this car has the functions of energy generation and storage and is very active. Provides six months of off-grid living resource equipment. Each car provides two separate living units for single person.

Floor Plans + Materials

Water + Electricity Cycle Diagram

Living Room

First Floor Stairs



The gathering car is designed for recording information, sharing knowledge and seeking help. It can also be a place for exchange and meeting events. Compared to other car this car is running in low energy production and use, with mostly passive design.


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