Lee Fu

Mar 03, 2023

Fashion Studio

Team: Lee Fu, Yingtong Li, Peining Guan

The Fashion Studio base on a garment by fashion designer Nova Chiu. By combining elements unique to this garment, the interior design presents a new "break-through" idea.

The zigzag line of the top and the geometric pattern of the bottom skirt is its outstanding features, which would be used in space in both designs and as visual elements, beings an aggressive and radical vibe to make the spirit of "break- through" more concrete.

Harmonious colour combinations will balance the excessive rigidity of zigzag lines, creating a comfortable and vibrant interior look.


Program Adjacency


The fashion studio has designed many functional spaces to respond to different tasks and positions. Try to help professionals achieve their goals in these spaces.



The office provides several flexible workspaces for group discussions, critiques and socializing. A large amount of movable furniture is used to provide greater flexibility.


Rejuvenation is another important aspect of an office. There is space here whenever the employees need to take a nap or a leisurely cup of coffee.

Detail Section-Studio Table

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